Varé goat's milk cheese is made from raw goat's milk from the producer's own livestock. The owners of the cheese factory feed their animals using traditional methods with grass and cereals, which is one of the key factors in the high quality of this cheese.
It is a medium-size cylindrical cheese with a very pleasant aesthetic appearance that quickly reveals its traditional artisan character.
Quesos de Varé is a small Asturias craft cheese factory that was founded in 1990 in Varé (Asturias), a small town of 70 inhabitants in the parish of Anes en Siero, the centremost council of Asturias. They started out as family of farmers and three years later began to produce high quality Asturias artisan-crafted cheeses.
This variety of traditionally-made cheese made from raw goat's milk completes the family of products made by this cheese factory in the council of Siero.
Varé pure goat's milk cheese comes in vacuum-packed cylindrical pieces of about 400 g each.