Exquisite anchovy fillets from the Cantabrian Sea, made using 100% artisan techniques with cold water, carefully deboned, dipped in high quality refined olive oil and canned by hand.
Anchoas Hazas is an Asturias company that seeks to recover the canning tradition of Lastres, in the Asturias town of Colunga.
Hazas anchovies were recently awarded best world flavour at the Great Taste Awards held in London.
These Cantabrian anchovies are caught during the spring months, when the fat levels of this fish are minimal and its reproduction phase provides it with a flavour, aroma and texture that make this a differentiating product of exceptional quality.
This product should be kept refrigerated between 5º and 12º. Before serving, it is recommended to remove it from the refrigerator half an hour before serving.
It comes in a 140 gram can that contains between 14 and 16 anchovy fillets.
https://www.productosdeasturias.com/en/spanish-conserves/hazas-traditionally-canned-anchovies-14-16-fillets1578HAZAS TRADITIONALLY-CANNED ANCHOVIES (14-16 fillets)<p>Exquisite anchovy fillets from the Cantabrian Sea, made using 100% artisan techniques with cold water, carefully deboned, dipped in high quality refined olive oil and canned by hand.</p>https://www.productosdeasturias.com/3668-home_default/hazas-traditionally-canned-anchovies-14-16-fillets.jpg26instockAnchoas Hazas2623.64002020-11-05T11:47:23+0100/SPANISH CONSERVES/SPANISH CONSERVES/Preserved products from the seaasturiasflavour
Exquisite anchovy fillets from the Cantabrian Sea, made using 100% artisan techniques with cold water, carefully deboned, dipped in high quality refined olive oil and canned by hand.