This Asturias Varé raw cow's milk cheese is in a traditional cylindrical format. When cut, it presents very few eyes and has a clear yellow colour that becomes more intense toward the edges of the piece as a result of its maturing. A delicious cheese that has little crust
The Varé organic raw cow's milk cheese is a pressed cheese matured for 60 days and weighs around 425 g. The milk used for producing this cheese comes from the La Roza organic cattle farm, in the east of Asturias, in Nava.
Remember that it is recommended to remove the product from the refrigerator about 20-30 minutes before serving. This allows it to reach room temperature so that all the flavour intensity of a good quality cheese can be fully appreciated.
In 2002, the Varé de Siero Cheese Factory, after great effort, hard work and great success with its first traditionally-made cheeses, began production of an organic cheese made from raw cow's milk, thus becoming the first Asturias cheese factory to produce organic cheese. The cheese factory has an area of 160 square meters distributed in a processing room, two maturing chambers and one refrigeration and brine chamber.
Keep refrigerated.
Varé raw cow's milk cheese is vacuum packaged in pieces of approximately 425 g.
This organic cheese is a traditional Asturias cheese handmade from raw cow's milk. On the gustatory senses, it has great character, although quite weighted, melting and easy on the palate; it has a pleasant and prolonged warm aftertaste and occasional forest notes due to the careful feeding of the cattle from which the milk comes. In its olfactory notes, the cheese is clearly lactic with very balanced bitter touches and with subtle buttery nuances from careful maturing and from the size of the piece.
Quesos de Varé is a small Asturias craft cheese factory that was founded in 1990 in Varé (Asturias), a small town of 70 inhabitants in the parish of Anes en Siero, the centremost council of Asturias. They started out as family of farmers and three years later began to produce high quality Asturias artisan-crafted cheeses.
Dairy product