Wholemeal spelt flour, 100% organic production. This flour has a high gastronomic value and an intense flavour that is very different from other flours.
Spanish spelled is a cereal of the family of the wheat that adapts to the climates cold and humid, being Asturias the region of Spain where more is produced. It is also present in other Northern European countries.
Spelled has a great nutritional value, and its consumption contributes healthy nutrients for the organism; besides, it is easy to digest.
It uses spelled flour to make all kinds of breads and pastry doughs, such as casserole doughs, sighs, frixuelos, ... as well as masses for Asturian rapas and artisan pizzas.
PRODUCT PRESENTATION “Speltastur” organic wholemeal spelt flour is packaged in a 1 kg paper bag.
Specific References
https://www.productosdeasturias.com/en/spanish-pastries/organic-wholemeal-meslin-flour-1-kg142ORGANIC WHOLEMEAL MESLIN FLOUR (1 kg)<p><strong>Wholemeal spelt flour,</strong> 100% <strong>organic production.</strong> This flour has a high gastronomic value and an intense flavour that is very different from other flours. <br /><br /><br /></p>
<p><img src="https://www.productosdeasturias.com/img/cms/copae.jpg" alt="" width="70" height="105" /> <img src="https://www.productosdeasturias.com/img/cms/organic_farming_logo.jpg" alt="" width="80" height="53" /> <img src="https://www.productosdeasturias.com/img/cms/alimentosdelparaiso.png" alt="Alimentos del paraíso" width="81" height="90" /></p>https://www.productosdeasturias.com/7082-home_default/organic-wholemeal-meslin-flour-1-kg.jpg3.25instockSpeltastur3.253.19002016-09-29T11:02:51+0200/SPANISH SWEETS/SPANISH SWEETS/Spanish pastries/Ecologicalorganic productsAlimentosdelparaíso