Exquisite sausage made with Gochu de Monte meat from Asturias (pigs raised in freedom in the Asturias mountains) and Asturias Vacuno Mayor. This sausage is made using 100% natural methods, with no preservatives or artificial colours; only garlic and paprika salt added to the meat mixture.
It is cured in the port of Pajares; an area traditionally linked to sausage production and whose climate gives this unique product an exceptional flavour.
For the production of this sausage, two meats of the highest quality have been selected:
The Asturias Gochu de Monte pigs raised in freedom in the Asturias mountains are a cross between the Asturcelta and Duroc breeds. These animals feed on the roots they dig up and they are also fattened with chestnuts and Asturias spelt; in addition to the apple pulp from cider brewing processes.
Asturias Vacuno Mayor is the beef from animals older than 18 months born and raised in Asturias and from the valley or the mountain breeds. It is a quality brand protected by the Ternera Asturiana PGI.
These two meats are mixed only with garlic, paprika and salt and formed into sausages. The result is a 100% natural sausage, with no preservatives or colouring agents, and is cured in the port of Pajares.
Asturias Monte Gochu and Asturias Beef sausages are vacuum packed in pieces weighing approximately 400 g.
Keep refrigerated once opened.