Honey extracted from hives in the forests and fields of southwestern Spain, in Asturias, produced by bees from the pollen of many varieties of flowers, with no major proportion of any one of them.
Quality honey packaged for Tierra Astur, ideal for sweetening coffee and tea, pastries and for enjoying on its own. Its health and antibiotic properties are widely recognised; it is one of the most natural products that can be consumed in a healthy and balanced diet.
PRODUCT PRESENTATION “Tierra Astur” Spanish multi-flower honey is vacuum sealed in a 200 g glass jar and packaged in a cardboard box. Ideal for gifts.
Specific References
https://www.productosdeasturias.com/en/spanish-honey/multi-flower-honey152MULTI-FLOWER HONEY (280 g)<p><strong>Honey</strong> extracted from hives in the <strong>forests and fields of southwestern Spain</strong>, in Asturias, produced by bees from the pollen of many varieties of flowers, with no major proportion of any one of them.</p>
<p><img src="https://www.productosdeasturias.com/img/cms/Gluten-free-DEF-2.png" alt="" width="100" height="100" /></p>https://www.productosdeasturias.com/7378-home_default/multi-flower-honey.jpg5.9instockTierra Astur5.95.36002016-09-29T11:49:14+0200/SPANISH SWEETS/SPANISH SWEETS/Honey/Sweets/GLUTEN FREE/From Orchard
Honey extracted from hives in the forests and fields of southwestern Spain, in Asturias, produced by bees from the pollen of many varieties of flowers, with no major proportion of any one of them.