Honey produced by bees from nectar from chestnut trees, heather and bramble from the Asturias forests in Allande, Tineo, Ibias and Cangas del Narcea (in the north of the country).
A dark amber colour with a floral, intense and woody aroma and a sweet flavour with salty and slightly bitter notes.
PRODUCT PRESENTATION “La Puela” Spanish forest honey is packaged in a 350 g plastic bottle with a non-drip dispenser.
Specific References
https://www.productosdeasturias.com/en/spanish-honey/forest-honey-350-g-with-dispenser150FOREST HONEY (350 g WITH DISPENSER)<p><strong>Honey</strong> produced by bees from nectar from <strong>chestnut trees,</strong> heather and bramble from the Asturias forests in Allande, Tineo, Ibias and Cangas del Narcea (in the north of the country).<br /><br /></p>
<p><img src="https://www.productosdeasturias.com/img/cms/Gluten-free-DEF-2.png" alt="" width="100" height="100" /></p>https://www.productosdeasturias.com/4765-home_default/forest-honey-350-g-with-dispenser.jpg4.95instockLa Puela4.954.5002016-09-29T11:42:16+0200/SPANISH SWEETS/SPANISH SWEETS/Honey/GLUTEN FREEAlimentosdelparaíso
Honey produced by bees from nectar from chestnut trees, heather and bramble from the Asturias forests in Allande, Tineo, Ibias and Cangas del Narcea (in the north of the country).