Enjoy this very special cordon bleu with 100% Asturias flavours and distinguished with the quality brand Alimentos del Paraíso Natural. This is an Asturias cordon bleu made from Asturias Vacuno Mayor beef and filled with TINEO ‘CHOSCO’ PGI CURED MEAT and Ovín Cheese breaded in cornmeal.
Cordon bleu made from Asturias meat and filled with Chosco de Tineo cured meat and Ovín Cheese. The highest quality fillets are sourced from animals sealed with the Vacuno Mayor Asturiano quality brand, which covers cattle over 18 months old that are born, raised and butchered in the Principality. It is a quality brand linked to the Ternera Asturiana Protected Geographical Indication (PGI).
In this case, these Asturias cordon bleu filled with Chosco de Tineo PGI cured meat and Ovín Cheese are breaded in cornmeal, making it a "gluten free" product.
The Alimentos del Paraíso Natural cordon bleu with Chosco PGI and Ovín cheese is vacuum packaged. To serve, it is recommended to remove it from its container at least one hour beforehand.
https://www.productosdeasturias.com/en/meats/alimentos-del-paraiso-cordon-bleu-with-tineo-chosco-cured-meat-and-ovin-cheese926ALIMENTOS DEL PARAÍSO CORDON BLEU WITH TINEO ‘CHOSCO’ CURED MEAT AND OVÍN CHEESE<p><span lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb">Enjoy this very <strong>special cordon bleu</strong> with 100% Asturias flavours and distinguished with the quality brand <i>Alimentos del Paraíso Natural</i>. This is an <strong>Asturias cordon bleu</strong> made from <strong>Asturias Vacuno Mayor beef</strong> and filled with TINEO ‘CHOSCO’ PGI CURED MEAT and Ovín Cheese breaded in cornmeal.</span></p>
<p><span lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"><img src="https://www.productosdeasturias.com/img/cms/chilled-shipping.png" alt="" width="150" height="32" /></span></p>
<p><img src="https://www.productosdeasturias.com/img/cms/VACUNO%20MAYOR.png" width="90" height="90" alt="VACUNO MAYOR.png" /><img src="https://www.productosdeasturias.com/img/cms/Chosco.jpg" width="90" height="90" alt="Chosco.jpg" /><img src="https://www.productosdeasturias.com/img/cms/Sin-gluten-DEF-2.png" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://www.productosdeasturias.com/img/cms/alimentosdelparaiso.png" alt="" width="80" height="88" /></p>https://www.productosdeasturias.com/7545-home_default/alimentos-del-paraiso-cordon-bleu-with-tineo-chosco-cured-meat-and-ovin-cheese.jpg10.5instockCrivencar10.59.55002019-08-19T18:20:45+0200/MEATS/Tierra Astur Products/GLUTEN FREE/MEATS/Asturian Cachopos/MEATS/Asturian Greater Beef
Enjoy this very special cordon bleu with 100% Asturias flavours and distinguished with the quality brand Alimentos del Paraíso Natural. This is an Asturias cordon bleu made from Asturias Vacuno Mayor beef and filled with TINEO ‘CHOSCO’ PGI CURED MEAT and Ovín Cheese breaded in cornmeal.