The website (hereinafter, the Website) is owned by
Quesos del Principado de Asturias, S.L.
Corporate Tax ID: B33120361
Registered address: C/ Santa Susana, 2, Oviedo (33007)
Telephone: +34 985 79 42 15
Fax: +34 985 79 25 47
Registration: Asturias Commercial Registry, Volume 1.643, folio 18, sheet AS-9826, entry 1
Website domain:
Hereinafter the ?Owner?.
The information displayed on the Website is current on the date of the last update. Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. reserves the right to update, modify or delete such information, and may limit or deny access to this Website to users presumed to be carrying out negligent or criminal actions.
Formal or numeric errors that may be found in the content of this website resulting from maintenance and/or updating and that for whatever reason are incomplete or defective are not considered false advertising. Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. thanks its users for reporting any incident detected in this sense, pledging to correct it in the shortest time possible.
Terms and conditions
Access to this Website and any of its pages implies knowledge and acceptance of the legal notices and terms and conditions of use that apply to the Website. Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms and conditions of use if legal or business conditions so require it. In any event, any modification to the conditions will be announced through this Website, and will be effective upon publication.
Lawful use
The user agrees to use this site without engaging in activities that may be considered illicit or illegal, that infringe the rights of Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. or third parties, or that may damage, disable, overload, or impair the Service or prevent normal use thereof.
In particular, and without limitation, the following actions are prohibited:
- Any violation of third party rights (right to privacy and image rights, intellectual property, etc.).
- Use the content of this Website to advertise or send unsolicited emails (spam) or similar communication.
- Introducing viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may cause damage or unauthorised changes to the content or systems accessible through this Website.
The user must not take content from the website using methods or procedures other than those made available for this purpose and that are indicated on this Website, or commonly used on the internet and in the latter case provided there is no risk of damaging or disabling the service and its content.
The user is solely responsible for any infringements that may be incurred or damages that may be caused to third parties due to improper or unlawful use of this Website.
Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. is not responsible for any damages that may arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone faults or disconnections in the operation of the Website, due to reasons beyond the control of Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. Nor is it responsible for delays or blocks resulting from deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines or internet lines.
Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. does not guarantee the accuracy of and is not responsible for any consequences arising from errors in the content provided by third parties that may appear on this Website.
Similarly, Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. is not responsible for the content, products or services that may be viewed through direct or indirect electronic links through this Website. Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. reserves the right to unilaterally and at any time withdraw the links that appear on its website to other content outside of the site itself.
Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. disclaims responsibility for Cookies that third parties may install on the hard disk of users? computers as well as typographical errors or inaccuracies that may occur in the content of its Website.
Intellectual Property
The rights to reproduction, distribution, transformation and public communication of this Website are owned by Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. All text, graphics, content, structure, databases, logos, source code and other elements of the Website are protected by law and international treaties on the matter.
The user may solely and exclusively use the material on this Website for personal and private use. Its use for commercial purposes or in illegal activities is prohibited. All intellectual property rights are expressly reserved by Cheeses of Asturias SL.
Access to this Website does not imply any waiver or total or partial transfer of such intellectual property rights, nor does it confer any right to the use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution, public communication of the content.
Any use of all or part of the content of this website, in any manner or by any means including electronic, mechanical or otherwise, is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. Infringement of these rights may lead to judicial, civil or criminal proceedings, the responsibility for which is solely with the user.
Browsing through the pages of the Website
Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. only obtains and maintains the following information about visitors to its Website and/or sendings of emails and electronic communications from Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L.
- The domain name of the provider that provides access to the network (ISP)
- The date and time of access to the Website
- The internet address from the link that directs to the Website.
- The number of daily visitors to each section of the Website
- The browser used to view the Website.
Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. disclaims any responsibility with respect to the information on or access to pages that are outside of this Website that are not directly managed by the company.
The purpose of possible hypertext links that appear in the pages of this Website to other websites is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information that enhances the information provided by this Website.
Quesos del Principado de Asturias S.L. is in no way responsible for the results obtained through these links or the consequences arising from users? access to them.
Google Analytics
This Web Site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a company in Delaware, whose main office is in the United States at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043 (hereinafter, ?Google?).
Google Analytics uses Cookies, which are text files stored on your computer that help the Web Site to analyse the use that users make of it. The information that the cookie generates about the use of the Web Site (including your IP address) shall be directly transferred and archived by Google on its servers in the United States. Google will use this information on behalf of this website with the aim of monitoring the trail of your use of the Web Site, compiling reports about the activity on the Web Site and providing other services related to the activity on the Web Site and the use of the internet.
Google may transfer of this information to third parties when so required due to legal reasons or when these third parties process information on behalf of Google.
Google will not associate your IP address with any other data that Google has.
Cookie Policy
This website, the same as most internet websites, uses Cookies to optimise user experience. Cookies are used to optimise browsing and personalise the information and services offered.
Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and his/her computer and do not provide references that reveal personal data.
Navigating the Website implies the acceptance of our Cookies policy.
You may reject the processing of the data or the information by rejecting the use of Cookies by selecting this configuration option in your browser. However, you should know that doing so may affect the full functionality of this website.
Users who complete the registration process or login with a username can access personalised services tailored to their personal preferences according to information provided at the time of registration that is stored in a cookie in their browser.
The email-marketing tools use small invisible images for users that are included in the emails. This technology enables the company to know whether an email has been read or not, on what date, the IP address from which it was read, etc. With this information, statistical and analytical studies are made on the sending and receiving of emails in order to improve the services to which the user is subscribed and to provide information that may be of interest.
This Website uses persistent cookies, which expire when the purpose for which they serve is fulfilled or when they are manually deleted. They have a deletion date and are normally used in online purchasing processes, customisation or registration, so that the password does not have to be continuously re-entered.
On the other hand, depending on who the entity is that manages the computer or domain from which cookies are sent and that processes the data obtained, proprietary and third party cookies can be distinguished.
Proprietary Cookies are those that are sent to your computer and managed exclusively by this Website to improve the functioning of the site. The information collected is used to improve the quality of the service and your user experience.
Some services may use connectors with various social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, etc.). By using the social register, you authorise the social network to store a persistent cookie. This cookie remembers your ID on the service, making access much faster on subsequent visits. This cookie can be deleted, and the access permissions for the services of this site can be overridden from the privacy settings of the particular social network.
By browsing and continuing to use this Website, you consent to the use of Cookies under the conditions contained in this Cookie Policy.
Access to this Cookie Policy is provided at the time of registration so that the user is informed, and so that he/she can exercise the right to block, delete and reject the use of cookies at all times.